Stability of Tenure Principle

Stability of Tenure Principle of management (Explained)

Principle of Stability of Tenure

The principle stability of tenure of personnel refers to job security in the organization. It states that in the organization there should be job security and stability in the position.

Here, stability mainly indicates to how stable the job or position of employees is. It tries to eliminate frequent changes in the job positions of employees. And, tenure means time. It talks about how long an employee will stay in the same organization.

This management principle measures the organizational performance and potentiality in terms of how job stability and job security are maintained.

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It argues that managers should hire quality employees and keep them longer than possible. He must make feel the employee’s job stability and job security.

It is a fact that one of the main reasons employees stay longer in the organization is job security. Similarly, employees shift to organizations frequently because of job insecurity.

The manager should try to maintain stability and tenure. When employees feel that their job is secure they feel motivated, they give their optimum effort, they want to stay longer, and as they stay longer they become well-known in every aspect of the organization, their presence becomes essential, and they increase the overall performance.

On the other hand, job insecurity and instability lead to higher turnover, and lower working efficiency, the further hiring cost also increases.

Thus, this principle states that job security and stability are the keys to keeping quality talents, increasing productivity, and achieving desired goals.

Advantages of Stability of Tenure Principle:

  • Employee loyalty, motivation, and devotion are increased.
  • Employees commit to staying longer in the same organization.
  • Employee turnover is lower.
  • This principle is an effective way to retain and use quality talents.

Results of Avoiding this Principle:

  • Frequent employee turnover may be seen.
  • Employee motivation and loyalty may be decreased.
  • Working efficiency is decreased.
  • The hiring of new talents might incur higher efforts and costs.

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