Order Principle of Management

Order Principle of Management (Explained)

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Order Principle

The order principle of management states that there should be a right place for everything in the organization whether it is materials or people. This principle’s main theme is “a proper place for everything, and everything should be in the proper place.”

Maintaining proper order of every organization’s elements is essential to get smooth and effective functioning in the workplace. It further reduces the time and waste of resources.

Just simply think when the right employee is in the right place and the right things are in the right place the work can be done with no time and with great efficiency. This principle aims to ensure this.

Fayol viewed the order principle in two categories. They are:

Material Order – Material order means keeping all the material things like machines and other physical things in the proper place. The organization should maintain proper material order. It helps us to easily locate & find things and saves effort & time and increases working efficiency.

Social Order – Social order is related to placing people i.e. employees in the organization. Its core concept is that the right man should be in the right place i.e. position. All the human resources of the organization should have a proper place. It describes the given position should match with employees’ interests, skills, and capabilities. When it is ensured greater productivity is achieved.

Thus this principle describes that the manager should maintain the right place for all the components of the organization. It further enables managers to effectively utilization of resources.

Advantages of Principle of Order:

  • This principle ensures the effective utilization of all the resources of the organization.
  • Maintains the right place for everything.
  • Enables to get smooth functioning and productivity.
  • Right order also saves effort, time, and resources.
  • The placement also motivates employees.
  • Better work control and efficiency.

Results of Avoiding this Principle:

  • When employees are not in the right place work efficiency might not be achieved.
  • Roles conflicts may arise.
  • Asks more time, effort, and resources to complete the tasks.
  • The work may be delayed.
  • Employee motivation may be decreased.

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