Technological Barrier in Communication

What is Technological Barrier to Communication? Definition and Causes

What is Technological Barrier?

A technological barrier in communication refers to a barrier that occurs because of a defect in the technology used to communicate. When technologies get a breakdown, overload, or users do not properly use such barriers are common.

It is obvious that today’s organization’s operations are largely dependent on technology. Phone calls, video calls, text messages, and emails are common ways to communicate in the workplace.

Communication technologies have improved human life as well as the performance of organizations. Because of such technologies, the official information reaches the target on time and the task will be done on time however, it has reduced natural face-to-face communication.

Causes of Technological Barriers To Communication

The following are some causes of technological barriers to communication that are common in the workplace.

Information Overload

Information overload also causes barriers to communication. When a manager gets various messages at a time he may get confused about whose message to look at first and respond to.

In the process of responding quickly, he might not clearly get all the message’s meaning and his responses might disappoint the senders.

Communication Devices

Communication devices such as mobile phones, telephones, etc. are necessary to communicate on time. However, low capacity and busy schedules of equipment and devices, channels, or mediums are other barriers that obstruct timely communication.


Malfunctioning of the technological systems may transmit only a limited message which creates a problem of incomplete information. Such incomplete information also makes it difficult for the receiver to understand the message which results in the failure of communication.

Unaware of Communication Technology

The unfamiliarity of employees with different communication and information technologies is also one of the main causes of technological barriers to communication. When employees don’t know about communication devices such as telephones, mobile, computers, etc., and how they work communication would not be effective.

Timing Difference

Some communications require prompt attention. Managers, however, might not be able to thoroughly assess information due to a lack of time. In such a situation, he may respond to a message without considering the subject matter and its impact making an unsatisfactory communication.

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